AS153 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 6, 2014, in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Sister Jill's and Sister Cathy's journey to religious life and their ministries
As CSJs, "Our calling is to do all of which a woman is capable"
Sharing the CSJ vision and values with students at St. Catherine University, sponsored by the CSJs
Some of the best things about being a Catholic sister: community and the collective power of a congregation
Lifestyle changes involved in joining religious life -- relationships with family and friends, vow of poverty, the common life, adventure
Praying in the midst of a super-busy life -- insights drawn from the tradition of religious life and the lives of sisters
Sister Jill Underdahl serves in young adult spirituality and vocation ministry. Sister Cathy Steffens is a teacher of ecology and spirituality, a facilitator, and a spiritual director.